what is Hydrogen metallurgy?

Hydrogen metallurgy refers to the smelting process of steel using hydrogen as a reducing agent and energy source. In traditional carbon metallurgy, carbon acts as a reducing agent and energy source, but in hydrogen metallurgy, hydrogen takes the place of carbon. In the process of hydrogen metallurgy, iron oxide in iron ore reacts with hydrogen to produce iron and water, the basic reaction formula is Fe2O3+3H2=2Fe+3H2O. Hydrogen metallurgy has many advantages, including reducing pollutants and carbon dioxide emissions from the source, and is one of the important ways to achieve green low-carbon sustainable development of the steel industry. Compared with traditional carbon metallurgy, hydrogen metallurgy can theoretically reduce carbon emissions by about 34% to 62%, and the emission reduction potential is huge. At present, China’s hydrogen metallurgy process can be mainly divided into two types: hydrogen rich reduction blast furnace and non-blast furnace hydrogen base reduction smelting. Hydrogen-rich reduction blast furnace is to achieve “partial hydrogen metallurgy” by injecting hydrogen or hydrogen-rich gas in the blast furnace to replace partial carbon reduction reaction, and the emission reduction potential is limited. Non-blast furnace hydrogen reduction smelting technology includes hydrogen direct reduction smelting, hydrogen melt reduction smelting and other processes, the current technology is still in its infancy, but the theoretical emission reduction space can reach 50% to 95%. Under the guidance of the “double carbon” goal, domestic steel enterprises such as Baowu Group and Angang Group have actively laid out hydrogen metallurgy projects, deepened technological innovation in many fields such as hydrogen direct reduction and new energy hydrogen production co-production of carbon-free fuels, and continued to provide technical accumulation for the large-scale development of hydrogen metallurgy. The above content is for reference only, if you need more information, it is recommended to consult relevant literature or consult relevant scholars.




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